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The End of this Chapter
Now most likely nobody is reading this, but it will be entertaining for those that are to read this. I mentioned change about 3 months ago, and I have changed, and so has the group. And almost all of it is for the better. Things have basically reached a point where I can firmly say that I am happy with how things are progressing. This website, is no longer needed and is now only a remnant of the past. A new more powerful more amazing more incredible more mind blowing more spine tingling more sex drive enhancing more impregnating more just plain awesome website is being made. New members have been added and a few have left, some not entirely. Its all sort of hit full tilt right now and things have yet to find a standard rhythem. When the dust settles and the clouds open up, you will be shown a new Dual-Duality, one of the likes of which you have never seen before. Let all who stand before me tremble in fear, for I am longer the moderately adept encoder I was before, I have gotten exponentially better. But enough talk about me , there is work to be done. If you want to know the ETA for the new website look at the countdown on the right
Well I think its about time I apologized
One of the comments on the last post, has sort of caught my attention, and I really feel that I should respond to this
Well, I think you sort of have the right to say that, we have been delaying shit and not getting things released. I do apologize for the lack of follow through on our part, and I would like to say to you that most of the issues we are having are really having to do with getting everything perfect, rather than releasing some have half baked shit encode then fading out of existence.
Alot of the problem also stems from me mainly encoding things, then not not completing the rest of the process, IE subs , which is really lame on my part. Becuase to be honest I have over 40 episodes encoded and ready for release. (Galaxy Angels is almost done I am only 1 dvd away but I decided to just wait until I finish it all to release it, which is something I probably should of stated earlier)
And I am not gonna make excuses like "we are still a new group and you should not expect much from us" or "we have not gotten everything in motion yet" or "we have not gotten a system down yet" because that would be pointless. If we make promises we should deliver on them not forget about them.
The only thing I will say, is that when my computer got messed up that really threw a hitch in my plans, but it was not big enough to have caused all of this , same goes for when Light went to New York, again a minor delay but nothing that should of caused this backlog of unfulfilled demands.
And so I apologize to you, and everyone for not being good to my word.
I will make no further statement on the status of releases, but I can say that the most recent ones have a 80% chance of coming true atleast.
Are you serious? How can you post an update when the last two have been 'we finished stuff! we've got stuff coming!' but you haven't released anything in a month and a half? What happened to that "2 episodes a week" and "one DVD series a week" stuff?If you aren't going to or can't release shit, stop saying you are going to "SOON". You announce more and more and more and more but none of it ever sees the light of day, or you move on to something else after doing one or two episodes of a show.
You people are a complete joke.
Well, I think you sort of have the right to say that, we have been delaying shit and not getting things released. I do apologize for the lack of follow through on our part, and I would like to say to you that most of the issues we are having are really having to do with getting everything perfect, rather than releasing some have half baked shit encode then fading out of existence.
Alot of the problem also stems from me mainly encoding things, then not not completing the rest of the process, IE subs , which is really lame on my part. Becuase to be honest I have over 40 episodes encoded and ready for release. (Galaxy Angels is almost done I am only 1 dvd away but I decided to just wait until I finish it all to release it, which is something I probably should of stated earlier)
And I am not gonna make excuses like "we are still a new group and you should not expect much from us" or "we have not gotten everything in motion yet" or "we have not gotten a system down yet" because that would be pointless. If we make promises we should deliver on them not forget about them.
The only thing I will say, is that when my computer got messed up that really threw a hitch in my plans, but it was not big enough to have caused all of this , same goes for when Light went to New York, again a minor delay but nothing that should of caused this backlog of unfulfilled demands.
And so I apologize to you, and everyone for not being good to my word.
I will make no further statement on the status of releases, but I can say that the most recent ones have a 80% chance of coming true atleast.
Best Served Hot.

I've noticed that, you have noticed, that I noticed before you, that you're reading this post.
On a side note. I feel that our Dual-Duality community is feeling left out. In the blue. Alone. Don't worry, I'm here to fix that. Here is an update of things to come. I hope you're prepared because there are quite a few projects that will be released soon as well as a special dish.
Now there is no set date for these, but do expect these all to be release within the next week or so. The combined powers of "ProLight" have been going a good pace and we should be expecting the following, I'll give a brief descripition of the series as well... Enjoy.
DearS: Ikuhara Takeya is a high school student living a normal life. He is not interested in the commotion around a UFO filled with beautiful alien females that crashed on earth a year ago. The aliens, known as DearS, are deciding to take permanent residence on earth. What no one knows is that these aliens are a slave species whose sole purpose is to serve and please their masters. One day, Takeya spots a person shivering behind some bushes. This person, Ren, is one of the DearS, and after being saved by Takeya she chooses him as her master. Takeya, who doesn't know about the master-slave relationship of DearS, tries to learn Ren the normal lifestyle of the people on earth, though he constantly fears that Ren is an evil alien who's trying to brainwash him. But Ren isn't like other DearS. She is in fact malfunctioning and is being tracked down by their leader. Meanwhile, Takeya begins to learn more about DearS, and a mythical DearS relationship called “Gift” begin to develop between them.
Elemental Gelade: After a routine raid, the rookie sky pirate Cou finds a most unusual cargo in his mates' cargo hold: Ren, an "Edel Reid", a race prized by humans for granting special combat power to their partners through "Reacting". He quickly discovers, however, that Ren is even more prized than he expected. The pirate ship is visited by three members of the Edel Reid Complete Protection Agency "Arc Aire", who try to purchase her. When Cou refuses, the ship is suddenly attacked by a mysterious force, and Cou's captain charges him with Ren's protection.
Detatoko Princess: After a prank gone wrong, Princess Lapis must undergo a long journey back home to the Diamond Palace. With her for this adventure are a young sprite, a directionally challenged immortal, and her math tutor. Armed with the powerful magic eraser, and an unmatched love of pudding, Lapis continues forth righting the injustices of the world and defeating magical foes.
Secret Project: N/A
I've searched all around the cyber universe to find information on the secret project. I've also attempted to hack the A.I. Cyber-Ninja, Pro. That didn't work either. You people will have to wait for this one, sorry.
After these are completed, expect the next Projects to be started on and released at a date that we will reveal in the future. Naussica, if peer pressure goes well and Slayers.
Release Schedule Update
I have updated the releases schedule, you can find it on the release schedule page, or here on pastebin
In other news, I have completed scripting for a couple of shows, most notably Naussica of the Valley of the Wind BD and a joint project with CopyCat-Anime, Tenchi Muyo OVA's BD
ummmm my brain is still half asleep, when I remember more stuff I will update this
~Wes, the guy that's just... "there."

I'm Wesbeam, Wes, or Kyle. I'll accept either of those names. The origination of my name "Wesbeam" came from the original... Wesbeamrandall which was automatically made from an old game, long ago... In a galaxy far- opps. Back on topic, then got shorten to Wesbeamran due to max letters for another game, then to what it is now. Just because I didn't like the "ran" that was in the username.
Umm... Some background about me. I'm a Warcraft guy, read all the books, played all the games, as well as participated in all the Blizzard Entertainment Beta's. xD I tend to enjoy most anime series out there, so if you know of one tell me and I'll write it down and watch it.
I'm not a new encoder, sadly. But I'm the guy that just sits and updates the webpage. ;D Maybe more if needs be, but right now that is my role. I hope the be able to help a lot around here. I do plan to make myself at home and stay here for quite a long time. :)
One of my favorite picture is the one to the left, I'm not a super fan of Pokemon but I do like the Pichu Brothers.
Last but not least what do I think of TheProfileth? Well, first impression after reading all the philosophy chats... I really thought he was an interesting fella. He's given me a lot of different views on things. After you get to know him and the... "interesting" chats we had about anime *cough* and Hard drive space *end coughing* yea, its a ton of fun. :D
That is all. If you need me. Well, oh well, find Profileth first. He's a Ninja, he'll come out of no-where when you least expect it. Believe me, he will... No but seriously, if you need me, I'll be around...Somewhere.
SHIT GOT DONE!!! : Edit Update
We can all thank god for Sashamaru who helped (almost single handedly) create this gigantic chart. Now we can get some shit done! Elemental Gelade will be released really soon I got to QC it first though
Edit: Slight Update added the newest revision to the release schedule and I am going to put this in the
The Profileth' Shows
(Weekly release schedule, Atleast two episodes per week)
Slow as a snail bitches! Currently snacking on OVA's! When those are done he will start on his dinner
Main course (full series):
(1)Mahoromatic-->(2)Slayers (joint project with @Home)-->(3)Fate/Stay Night
Side dish (short series/ova):
(1)Galaxy Angels-->(2)Space Pirate Mito-->(3)Slayers Movies
On Layaway
Macademi Wasshoi (we really need the dvds!!!)
Dragon Half
Burn Up Warrior
Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-chan
Slayers Movies
Short Series 13 episodes
Miami Guns
Full Series 24-26 episodes
Galaxy Angels ~2.4 FPS 2.5 hours
Berserk 2 pass ~1.2 FPS 22 Hours
G Gundam
Koihime (then Koihime Musou)
Mahoromatic Bluray .33 FPS 27 Hours
Space Pirate Mito 1.5 FPS 8 Hours
Irresponsible Captain Tylor
Fate Stay Night Bluray 2 pass ~.3fps for both passes 48 Hours
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Those Who Hunt Elves
Bleach Seasons 1-4
Lightningedger's Shows
(?Pseudo? Weekly release schedule. Probably atleast one full DVD series per week. Two short series or OVA every other week.)
(basically he does shit too fast to actually take an accurate reading with out encodometeres so we take what he gives us )
1. Elemental Gelade
2. DearS
3. Princess Minerva + Outlanders v2
4. Hanaukyo Maid Team + Kanokon
5. Invader Zim (we will see how much we can do) + Godannar
6. Naasica BD + Bastard + Orphen
7. Busou Renkin
8. Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari BD
9. Martian Successor Nadesico BD
10. ???
On Hold Waiting for R1 BD release
Read Or Die OVA BD
Read Or Die TV
On Hold Till We find Source
Read Or Die OVA Bluray
Short Series
Hanaukyo Maid Team
2x2=Shinobuden AKA Ninja Nonsense
Full Series
Elemental Gelade
Read Or Die TV Bluray
Rave Master
Buso Renkin
Invader Zim FUCK YEA!
Sorcerer Stabber Orphen
Shows I want Light to encode for me
Nausicaa Bluray
Princess Minerva
Outlanders V2
Short Series
Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari (12 episode OVA) Bluray
Full Series
Martian Succesor Nadesico Bluray
Dragon Half
Burn Up Warrior
Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-chan
Slayers Movies
Read Or Die OVA Bluray
Nausicaa Bluray
Princess Minerva
Short Series 13 episodes
Miami Guns
Hanaukyo Maid Team
Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari (12 episode OVA) Bluray
2x2=Shinobuden AKA Ninja Nonsense
Full Series 24-26 episodes
Galaxy Angels
G Gundam
Koihime (then Koihime Musou)
Mahoromatic Bluray
Space Pirate Mito
Irresponsible Captain Tylor
Fate Stay Night Bluray
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Those Who Hunt Elves
Bleach Seasons 1-4
Elemental Gelade
Read Or Die TV Bluray
Rave Master
Buso Renkin
Invader Zim FUCK YEA!
Sorcerer Stabber Orphen
Martian Succesor Nadesico Bluray
The Profileth's computer is borked: expect the same amount of releases as usual.
I kind of wonder what the point of putting text here is when I have included all relevant details in the post title.
However, since you have nothing to watch, I might as well give you something to read, I suppose. The Profileth's computer has been acting up lately, and by acting up, what I mean is that it has been shutting down.
Normally, a computer shutting down isn't a bad thing. However, when it shuts down when you're in the middle of doing things like encoding some video while playing Crysis on the highest video settings while storing your computer in the same oven you're cooking your dinner in, that is a bad thing.
To conclude, The Profileth should really invest in some cooling equipment for his computer, or at least stop storing it places that are traditionally kept at 80 degrees C.
Now, the slower-witted among you may be wondering to yourselves, "how does this affect me?" Well, what it means is that we're going to be going a bit slower on this whole release thing than usual. Of course, going slower than zero is not something that can be accomplished by your ordinary layperson. It requires at least several ordinary laypersons, preferably full of various illegal stimulants. Our plan of action is to steadily remove our releases. Once they're all gone, well that's a secret, but rest assured that unprogress must continue!
Translator's note: if you were dumb enough to think that we're going to be removing the small amount of things we've actually released, pat yourself on the back for being able to read and breathe at the same time. IF you aren't passed out, that is.
Either way, The Profileth will be taking some time to try to diagnose the problem, and if that doesn't succeed, he'll probably dump all of the encoding work on lightningedger and we'll run from there.
However, since you have nothing to watch, I might as well give you something to read, I suppose. The Profileth's computer has been acting up lately, and by acting up, what I mean is that it has been shutting down.
Normally, a computer shutting down isn't a bad thing. However, when it shuts down when you're in the middle of doing things like encoding some video while playing Crysis on the highest video settings while storing your computer in the same oven you're cooking your dinner in, that is a bad thing.
To conclude, The Profileth should really invest in some cooling equipment for his computer, or at least stop storing it places that are traditionally kept at 80 degrees C.
Now, the slower-witted among you may be wondering to yourselves, "how does this affect me?" Well, what it means is that we're going to be going a bit slower on this whole release thing than usual. Of course, going slower than zero is not something that can be accomplished by your ordinary layperson. It requires at least several ordinary laypersons, preferably full of various illegal stimulants. Our plan of action is to steadily remove our releases. Once they're all gone, well that's a secret, but rest assured that unprogress must continue!
Translator's note: if you were dumb enough to think that we're going to be removing the small amount of things we've actually released, pat yourself on the back for being able to read and breathe at the same time. IF you aren't passed out, that is.
Either way, The Profileth will be taking some time to try to diagnose the problem, and if that doesn't succeed, he'll probably dump all of the encoding work on lightningedger and we'll run from there.
Hi I am lightningedger, this was brought to my attention by The_Profileth who invited me into the group after noticing that I did rips for
At first I only did this so that I could have a file copy of the show I watch without carrying the disks around, but now that I have found out that a person could change the by writing some code, I became ecstatic (I love my coding). I plan to stay as long as any skill I have or obtain is needed. That looks like I am in for a very long time lol.
I am currently working on Read Or Die: The TV, DearS, and Elemental Gelade
My favorite image is this:

If you like this image check out my site
This site is created by me but the images were not and as you can see I host me own Cydia repo with my custom made Anime theme that you all can take and use
At first I only did this so that I could have a file copy of the show I watch without carrying the disks around, but now that I have found out that a person could change the by writing some code, I became ecstatic (I love my coding). I plan to stay as long as any skill I have or obtain is needed. That looks like I am in for a very long time lol.
I am currently working on Read Or Die: The TV, DearS, and Elemental Gelade
My favorite image is this:

If you like this image check out my site
This site is created by me but the images were not and as you can see I host me own Cydia repo with my custom made Anime theme that you all can take and use
I will be week
Don't cry everyone, I just need to go on vacation for a week and I will return, hopefully this will give lightningblade the opportunity to freshen up on his avisynth skills and hopefully get better while I am gone, either way when I get back I have several new BD projects that I can start and alot of Galaxy Angels that I need to release.
Outlanders and a update
Source: R1 DVD
Video: H.264 704x408 (645x486 213:160 anamorphic) 23.976 fps ~2000KB/s
English: HE-AAC 2.0 stereo ~130 KB/s
Japanese: HE-AAC 2.0 ~115KB/s
Subs: ASS subs and VOBSUBS
each with separate signs/songs track
[Warning show contains mild nudity]
Yes here I am again with another OVA, ok stop looking at me funny, I like to encode OVA's because they tend to be less work to encode and release, plus I do not really have to work up the effort to do the subs since there is only 1 episode or 2 I need to do them for. Either way, this is a very fun short OVA. It is from 1986 and was remastered and redubbed in 2006. One thing about the dub is that they had 4 voice actors do each part, then they put all of them up online and let people vote. I actually remember voting for this lol, but I forgot about it. Either way there was a total of 18000 people who voted. The dub because of this is very good and definitely should be watched.
The actual OVA itself is some fun having to do with a guy who gets abducted by an alien with moe goat horns, either way she wants to marry him and save the sacred planet which happens to be earth, the plot is not a bad one, but the actual fun is from the show. A good quick watch, if you like it and want to finish it there is a manga out for it as this only covers the first half of the manga.
Did I mention there are both ewok like creatures and a catgirl in this?
Also as I have not been updating often enough I will take this opportunity to say everything that has happened, which actually has been alot of over the last week.
We have a new encoder in training, Lightningblade or Lightningedger as the other name was already taken lol , I will be teaching him how to encode and the ways of avisynth either way with his magical computer hopefully if all goes well we shall see great things in the future.
I have started my invasion of the forum so you can find me there, spreading the seeds of rebellion.
What else? Umm more releases coming soon I just got to convert the audio for Galaxy Angels and episodes 1-20 can be released.
I am sort of crazy so I keep trying new projects, one of them might be Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari to compensate for the loss of Tenchi, this show is about Tenchi's "half brother". Here is a quote from ANN what it is about "The story is set in an alternate world called Geminar, where countries have fought endless wars with replicas of humanoid Seikishi weapons that they found in ancient ruins. 15-year-old Masaki Kenshi, the half-brother of Tenchi Muyou! protagonist Masaki Tenchi, is summoned from another world to Geminar" So basically its a bluray version of Tenchi but with more robots lol, either way the blurays are sort of meh really kinda blurry, so they are definitely justifiable.
Ummm oh yes, Berserk is sort of almost ready for the initial release, which will be english only so that you watch the amazing dub, when I finish the show a japanese dub will be made available and I will have a full set of subs, as right now they are given me issues only a full english ASS sub will be included.
Mahoromatic Episode 4
As I promised I said would start releasing things as soon as the month began, currently Torque is doing the subs for Galaxy Angels for me, when he finishes those then I can release them too. Then I got alot more queued up too. So enjoy
Original Scan for those that want
Video R2 Blurays
Audio and Subs R1 DVD
Video: H.264 1208x712 (1.697) 23.976 fps ~3000KB/s
Japanese: HE-AAC 2.0 167KB/s
English: HE-AAC 2.0 stereo 120 KB/s
Subs: Custom ASS subs with Karaoke
(if these subs prove to be too much for your computer request that I make some less fancy ones and I will do it)
[Warning show contains mild nudity]
Its a bird....its a plane.......nooo its Project A-ko
Yay finally I release something! Well either way its a great show and I used an EXTREMELY good source, it as a restored laserdisc that has been IVTC and all the other fancy things, I did some moderate tweaks but the majority of the work was done by the person who restored the disc. Please note that this show is from 1986 but is none the less a classic and still extremely enjoyable. Either way the quality is vastly improved ANY previous encode ever made and that is not just me being cocky.
Source: restored R2 laserdisc and R1 DVD's for audio
(I did not sync the audio or the subs)
Video: H.264 704x480 23.976 fps ~2000Kbits/s
English: AC3 2.0 Stereo 192 Kb/s 48kHz
Japanese: AC3 2.0 Stereo 256 KB/s 48kHz
Video: H.264 704x480 23.976 fps ~2000Kbits/s
English: AC3 2.0 Stereo 192 Kb/s 48kHz
Japanese: AC3 2.0 Stereo 256 KB/s 48kHz
Yuji Moriyama Commentary (sub track 3): AC3 2.0 Stereo 80 KB/s 48kHz
Voice Actress Commentary (no sub track)
Full ASS subs
Signs/Songs ASS subs
Yuji Moriyama Commentary ASS Subs
Signs/Songs VOBSUBS
Yuji Moriyama Commentary VOBSUBS
Total Time: 1 hour and 22 minutes
Quick update
Well from what I have been reading, and from the "people" who contacted me, apparently Funimation just licensed a bunch of shows, now the shows from Geneon are almost 100% being taken by Funimation which includes all of Tenchi Muyo, so basically if that is true then Tenchi is only gonna get a private staff and friends only release, I really hope that Funimation Releases the BD's for Tenchi and I actually would not mind seeing upscales of the other shows to tell the truth I mean something is better than nothing.
Well for accidentally deleting Sashamaru's post I will try and test out this new feature.
And for those of you with a sense of humor, rejoice at this classic
And for those of you with a sense of humor, rejoice at this classic
Alright so now for some news and polling round 2
Alright so here is the news and results and other stuff
Lets get started with the results from the polls and what they mean.
Kurokami | 17 (62%) |
Martian Succesor Nadesico | 8 (29%) |
Black Lagoon | 3 (11%) |
Read or Die OVA and TV | 12 (44%) |
Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki | 5 (18%) |
Fate/Stay Night | 9 (33%) |
Shin Koihime Musou | 7 (25%) |
So Kurokami scored the most votes (thanks to many votes from the same people :P but I saw that it was in the lead originally) well there is good news and bad news concerning Kurokami.
The good news is that the release for it is gonna be a very fast one
The bad news is that it is a private release, so let me clarify what private means too, it means staff and friends only and it also means, that it is english only, maybe with subs too if I have them.
Ok so now, the second place winner was Read or Die, (again thanks to lots of extra votes) but this one was actually pretty low or moderate in the standings, either way I do not want to do it right now, I don't know why but I just don't. Maybe if things go well.........
3rd place is Fate/Stay Night (much to John's dismay) well hmmm, I want to do this show BUT I think I am gonna hold off for a bit and see how the other polls turn out, plus I already have raws for the other shows. Don't worry guys I will show you just how badly I can beat THORA, just you wait and see.
A close 4th place winner is Martian Succesor Nadesico which is a project I have taken a very high interest in for a while now, so this show is most likely going to be done by me and thanks to good old Sashamaru it will be in dual audio, just as god intended ;)
A close 5th place is Shin Koihime Musou, well hopefully you know that I am doing this show already so yea, I am gonna do this show, and make proper subs for it. No I do not speak Japanese, I mean I will take commie subs and make them better so there will be no one who will have to figure out what mana means!
To go with this release I will be doing the first season...first? Yes so I already have the first iso downloaded so I jsut need to get to work on that, the DVD looks ok, it does need some work though.What is gonna take time is those terrible subs, they are SOOO bad, I mean they have translation notes when you DO NO need them and the translation notes are NOWHERE TO BE FOUND when you DO NEED THEM. Either way I basically will not be doing any extra translation notes, but what I will be doing is rewriting the entire thing pretty much, or alteast that parts that sound bad (most of it) to make them sound more like proper english. Also one thing they did which I hate is when a character talks about themselves in the 3rd person they change it to first person. I mean you are changing how the character acts!!! Why would you do that, either way I need to restore all of those scenes too, which makes this not just a normal resubbing attempt.
lol Oh and before I forget, Black Lagoon was just a place holder really lol, but if enough people had wanted me to do it I might of done it. I never actually expected much from this one.
And coming in last place is Tenchi Muyo! You guys just lack taste I swear, I mean you want A-S to be your provider of HD Tenchi, I don't think so. Either way THIS is a show I WILL be doing as I already have raws for it AND it comes with english audio (WIN) so all we need to do is encode it and then make some subs.
So to summarize this all
17 (62%) Martian Succesor Nadesico Most likely 8 (29%) 3 (11%) 12 (44%) Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki Definetly 5 (18%) Fate/Stay Night Eventually 9 (33%) Shin Koihime Musou Yup already planned 7 (25%) |
Hey, Look, Stuff Happened... I Think.
Let it be noted that we will not, and I repeat, will not be releasing Shin Koihime Musou until after we have done the first season, Koihime Musou, so the point of this update is basically to taunt you with something that you will not be seeing for a long time. Ha, ha, suckers! Oh, and the subs for the first season suck because they were (to put it nicely) "very literal" which basically means that the translator could not speak English. (see picture above for subs)
So yeah, we're done with encoding the first episode of Shin Koihime Musou.
Here, we want to be able to see all of the details in the background that were destroyed by some maniac who failed to properly filter the raw. If there are no details, we'll make them ourselves, damn it! This is how committed we are to the cause (T/N: unfunny encoding joke is unfunny).
Anyway, onto the rant (short rant, lots of parenthetical notations). I was told to tell the world at large that something like The Profileth needs to prep the encodes for everything else we're doing (if I listed them all here, you'd be reading for a month), like Koihime Musou (probably using something along the lines of awarpsharp(depth=64,blurlevel=4), if the above picture is any indication of the source) and QC them, and then the releases will just start coming out.
That was disgusting. Forgive me.
(Note from the team: no animals were hurt in the process of this encode. By that we mean that no actual warpsharpening has occured, so quit yer' bitchin).
Something tells me I'm probably going to get censored.
T/N: when we say we need to prep, that means adding audio tracks and styling the subs and doing some QC. That does not mean we will be Encoding The Entire Show From Scratch. Although it will probably take that long.)
Last minute tack on that nobody will read because it occurs after all the spam: we don't even have the ISOs for Koihime Musou yet, much less working scripts/encodes. I told you you'd have to wait.
IPromiseThisistheLastNote: we're so obsessed with quality, it took us 2 hours to put this post together!
Last edited by: The Profileth
Warning! Challenger Approaching!
Nice to meet you, I am a hyperintelligent time traveling alien from the gamma quadrant. I came back in time to share my knowledge of time traveling with the rest of the historical spectrum in an effort to completely screw up the established system of cause and effect. After failing in that endeavor due to a series of highly unlikely circumstances that really could not have been avoided on my part, several of which involved entire animal species going extinct, I had nearly given up on my life.
But then I remembered I was a hyperintelligent time traveling alien. So I decided to waste my free time doing useless stuff like QCing the same show from v1 to v10910298 and being a sub retard.
Contrary to popular belief, I only exist on IRC (I forgot to mention that I'm a virtual hyperintelligent time traveling alien), so uh yeah. I doubt that information will really be useful to anyone. One last useless note is that my opinions tend to be diametrically opposed to The Profileth's, so we argue a lot. It's fun. If you're insane. Which I think we are.
Introduction over.
PS: A new foe has appeared.
*Edit By The Profileth * Well I might aswell say that I will be forcing him to do various jobs because as diligent and hardworking I am when it comes to video, anything else is pretty bleh. So he probably will be doing my subs for some shows after I give him the styling set up, he also will be here to help QC a good bit and make updates as I
Announcement of the Next Bluray Project!!!
Yes its official folks I, The Profileth will be doing Shin Koihime Musou as my next bluray project, which I will start making releases for next month!!! Yes you heard it both Mahoromatic AND Shin Koihime will be released next month! I already have done some amazing work on it just take a look here.
As this show is a single audio only show that is ecchi and contains nudity it will be the first series to be released under my pseudo-sub group (hehehe yes sub as in below and as in subtitles) I will try and produce the best possible subs, as I will request that a friend of mine help with the subs I will be using, which are going to be based off of Commie subs, just like the Polished encode. As I refuse to do 1080p encodes I like to make up for it with 480p downscales, and you will see one of those with this show soon enough.
Would just like to point out that this is not my only bluray project I am going to do, so don't worry everyone the other.
On to more regular news, I am doing Burn Up Warrior, I am almost done I just need to solve an issue with lines going haywire -_-,
Galaxy Angel dvd 3 is done.
Space Pirate Mito DVD 2 is done
Umm probably am missing something because I am so excited about this, either way later.
As this show is a single audio only show that is ecchi and contains nudity it will be the first series to be released under my pseudo-sub group (hehehe yes sub as in below and as in subtitles) I will try and produce the best possible subs, as I will request that a friend of mine help with the subs I will be using, which are going to be based off of Commie subs, just like the Polished encode. As I refuse to do 1080p encodes I like to make up for it with 480p downscales, and you will see one of those with this show soon enough.
Would just like to point out that this is not my only bluray project I am going to do, so don't worry everyone the other.
On to more regular news, I am doing Burn Up Warrior, I am almost done I just need to solve an issue with lines going haywire -_-,
Galaxy Angel dvd 3 is done.
Space Pirate Mito DVD 2 is done
Umm probably am missing something because I am so excited about this, either way later.
We want you!
Well when I say that I mean "some" of you. I have decided to make a full recruitment post rather than to just keep hinting at it, this will help to detail what I am looking for.
Dedicated Encoder (contact me for a full debriefing on what I mean)
General Staff (like Mods and Ops for the IRC Channel aswell as other people who are willing to do work on the site, plus other nice things like help with odd jobs and that sort of stuff)
QCers (most staff will double as these people, but it would be nice to get a couple of QCers who could help to make sure that when I mess up it gets fixed)
Acquisition Experts (these people know their way around share and perfect dark and do not need me to tell them that I am talking about the p2p client and not the game, and extremely important part of any group that intend to use moderately to impossibly hard to find sources)
Some other positions that would be nice but are not necessary are
Translator (for when I do subbed shows, it would be good to know someone who knows Japanese)
Torrent seeders (This position is sort of for shows that I can not put on BakaBT, so stuff for Nyaa, less needed but still nice to have)
I return and with me come answers and news
Please note that this is not my encode, it is the DVD
Well for those who did not quite "understand" my last "update", well let me make it simple for you.
Its funny nobody has been able to figure out the meaning of the post without me telling them what it was. Well the reason for the post was to express my extreme level of happiness with the amount of progress I have made and my anticipation for next month which is going to be amazing with all the releases I have in store (I mean literally I am stock piling them right now), hopefully I will be able to have the encodes ready for release next month.
Also another thing ALOT of people missed. The post title was the acronym for P.A.S.S.I.O.N
Proclaiming Aspiration, Standing Steadfast In Opposing Normalcy
Either way, as of right now I am doing this
Encoding episode 2 of Berserk, I have already finished episode 1
More about Berserk DVD VS Mine Exiled-Destiny VS Mine
I will do ALL of Space Pirate Mito (season 1 that is)
I will get back and finish the rest of Galaxy Angels season 1.
After all this encoding is finally done I guess I will either
do an other show, like a v3 for Dragon Half or I will prep all of the encodes for release IE: Subs, chapters, QCing. And maybe if you are lucky both :)
Proclaiming Aspiration, Standing Steadfast In Opposing Normalcy
Yes everyone next month, WE shall have our names carved into the stones of history. We shall surpass those who have fallen and rise above all those who will try to drag us down, let us vanquish our foes and hindrances with a stern hand, and we shall use that same hand to embrace our destiny. For we shall step forth unto a new level of ambition that shall awaken the inner brilliance that has laid dormant for so long. This glorious moment in time shall be a tribute to the ever burning passion that we all keep inside us. And we shall step forth unto this new world and proclaim that at long last we are able to free our minds of negativity and stigmas. We shall be unto ourselves, as we we wish ourselves, to be unto we.
We shall be Dual-Duality and let us all remember P.A.S.S.I.O.N is key
New Poll and Updates
So the time has come. Now it is in your hands to help me decide what bluray I should do next. So everyone please vote, please try to limit yourself to only 3 shows maybe 4 max. Also if there are any other shows that you want done that have a bluray and an english dub (I will make a rare exception and do a sub only show maybe) then make sure to let me know and I will restart the polls.
Time for an update
I am making excellent progress on Galaxy Angels, I should have DVD 2 finished by today.
After Galaxy Angel I will probably work on Space Pirate Mito and when I finish that then I will swing back around and encode Berserk. Everything after that is still up in the air.
Hmm I might aswell try to introduce our contestants for the poll
Well so here are my plans for the rest of this month
Unfortunately I have sort of spent alot of my bandwidth up already this month. So I need to cut back which means no more releases THIS month. Next month I will either just have a massive amount of releases in 1 day or maybe I will spread them out to make it seem like I am doing more than I really am (that one does have an appeal to me) Either way next month is going to be FULL of releases and I WILL finish atleast 1 series by the end of next month. Either way while you wait let me give you a nice list of what I PLAN on working on, in order of most likely to get a batch release (usually 4 or 6 episodes per batch) next month
100 %
Galaxy Angel: For those who have not seen the series it is a good one. Do not let the title or cover through you off this is not some ecchi show or shoujo crap. It is a good episodic comedy anime that devotes each episode to parodying well known film ideas and generic episode types. It's sort of hard to explain fully, you just gotta watch the show.
Space Pirate Mito: An interesting show with a good concept, it caught my eye a while ago, but the kicker for me was when I found out that that it had 2 of my favorite voice actresses ever in it! Lisa Ortiz who did Lina Inverse from Slayers (one of my favorite shows) and Jessica Calvello who did Excel Excel (yes that is her full name lol) from Excel Saga (also one of my favorite shows). The art is pretty solid for it being a show from 1999 and the CGI is pretty funny if not nostalgic, in a good way that is.
Berserk: I just finished watching this show as of an hour of writing this. A true masterpiece is what this show is. Excellent art, plot, dub, and character development really do make this the cult classic that it is today. A must watch for any avid anime lover, but be warned that this show does contain some pretty bloody scenes and nudity in later episodes and just overall creepiness especially near the end.
Hanaukyo Maid Team: La Verite: Now here is your healthy dosage of moe and ecchi. Hundreds of maids all working for 1 boy who has suddenly been appointed head of his household. I may not know much about this series as I have yet to watch it, but let me tell you this, from what I have seen so far I do expect this to be a fun series and one that will atleast be comparable to its predecessor.
100 %
Galaxy Angel: For those who have not seen the series it is a good one. Do not let the title or cover through you off this is not some ecchi show or shoujo crap. It is a good episodic comedy anime that devotes each episode to parodying well known film ideas and generic episode types. It's sort of hard to explain fully, you just gotta watch the show.
Space Pirate Mito: An interesting show with a good concept, it caught my eye a while ago, but the kicker for me was when I found out that that it had 2 of my favorite voice actresses ever in it! Lisa Ortiz who did Lina Inverse from Slayers (one of my favorite shows) and Jessica Calvello who did Excel Excel (yes that is her full name lol) from Excel Saga (also one of my favorite shows). The art is pretty solid for it being a show from 1999 and the CGI is pretty funny if not nostalgic, in a good way that is.
Berserk: I just finished watching this show as of an hour of writing this. A true masterpiece is what this show is. Excellent art, plot, dub, and character development really do make this the cult classic that it is today. A must watch for any avid anime lover, but be warned that this show does contain some pretty bloody scenes and nudity in later episodes and just overall creepiness especially near the end.
Hanaukyo Maid Team: La Verite: Now here is your healthy dosage of moe and ecchi. Hundreds of maids all working for 1 boy who has suddenly been appointed head of his household. I may not know much about this series as I have yet to watch it, but let me tell you this, from what I have seen so far I do expect this to be a fun series and one that will atleast be comparable to its predecessor.
Miami Guns:Well this show definitely looks like fun, I watched 1 episode of it so far and it seems to me to be a mixture of burn up warrior (or excess), dirty pair, and maybe a little Excel Saga. This show is full of parodies of cop movies and cop shows and I actually still need the 4th DVD so I can have a complete set.
Dragon-Half redo: As most of you should know I have already done a Dragon-Half encode. But I used a PAL DVD before, this time I will use a NTSC DVD which has 5.1 surround sound audio. I also will do a more proper job and with my new skills it will be a much better encode.
Irresponsible Captain Tylor: A really good show, very funny with a unique sense of humor and good art, I really need to finish watching this show. Probably will not get a batch release. I think I will just hold out until I finish the entire thing then I will offer it to BakaBT, then I will upload it while it is waiting to be accepted.
Macademi Wasshoi: Yes I will get to this show as soon as I can get the DVD's if anyone has them PLEASE contact me and I will GLADLY take them sub or unsubbed does not matter because I am sure I can find some one who will help with with that. Actually as soon as I get the DVD's for this I will drop everything and do this.
Also please note that no batch release does not mean I will not be working on it.
Also Buso Renkin could possibly show up at the table so just wanted to give a heads up.
Mahoromatic episode 4 will also be released next month and then I will start on the other bluray, so you can expect atleast 1 episode next month. It all depends on how much bandwidth I have available.
Also why not check out the new IRC channel I have, there are a few regulars that show up aswell as me so atleast you should have someone to talk to.
Again I will continue to give out the message that I am recruiting and am willing to accept new members onto the team. Contact me for further information about joining at or just use the chat or IRC as I tend to check those MUCH more frequently.
Hmm its weird, it seems that I am making updates for nobody , and they are rather for myself, only to try and justify my worth by giving menial examples of things I am going to do, or is it because it gives me some sense of a having a plan helps to make things more clear and easy to follow. In other words since I have no followers or groupies or fans or visitors these updates are trivial at best and questionable at worse. Does that mean I should not make updates due to the fact that they only are to satisfy my glut for attention? Or should I continue yelling into the darkness hoping that even if a single soul hears me then I have achieved something. Well I am probably over thinking this, either way I guess I can just try to justify these updates that nobody reads as being archival and for myself incase I forget about what I planned to do.
Hmm its weird, it seems that I am making updates for nobody , and they are rather for myself, only to try and justify my worth by giving menial examples of things I am going to do, or is it because it gives me some sense of a having a plan helps to make things more clear and easy to follow. In other words since I have no followers or groupies or fans or visitors these updates are trivial at best and questionable at worse. Does that mean I should not make updates due to the fact that they only are to satisfy my glut for attention? Or should I continue yelling into the darkness hoping that even if a single soul hears me then I have achieved something. Well I am probably over thinking this, either way I guess I can just try to justify these updates that nobody reads as being archival and for myself incase I forget about what I planned to do.
Galaxy Angel Episode 6 and 7
Alright everyone 2 more Galaxy Angel episodes so hurray! This is the last of the episodes from the first DVD. As soon as I get the others I will start working on them
Video R1 DVD's
Video: H.264 716x480 23.976 fps ~1650Kbits/s
English: HE-AAC 2.0 Stereo ~120Kb/s 48kHz
Japanese: HE-AAC 2.0 Stereo ~ 100KB/s 48kHz
Subs: Custom ASS subs, Vobsubs (full), Vobsubs (signs/karaoke)
Related forum thread
Episode 6
Episode 7
I will release a couple more shows in batches this week as I begin to fall back into my normal rhythm. Mahoromatic episode 4 will be out this week too.
Some shows I am working on
Space Pirate Mito
Hanaukyo Maid Team: La Verite
Episode 6
Episode 7
I will release a couple more shows in batches this week as I begin to fall back into my normal rhythm. Mahoromatic episode 4 will be out this week too.
Some shows I am working on
Space Pirate Mito
Hanaukyo Maid Team: La Verite
I might start working on that new Dragon Half encode using R1 DVD's which have 5.1 audio and with my improved skills I will make a MUCH better encode than last time, complete with ASS subs and proper IVTC.
Mahoromatic episode 3 and V4's
Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3
Other news I will be doing a more complete update tomorrow with details on my DVD's and plans for upcoming releases.
Galaxy Angels batch 1-5 and update
Video R1 DVD's
Video: H.264 716x480 23.976 fps ~1650Kbits/s
English: HE-AAC 2.0 Stereo ~120Kb/s 48kHz
Japanese: HE-AAC 2.0 Stereo ~ 100KB/s 48kHz
Subs: Custom ASS subs, Vobsubs (full), Vobsubs (signs/karaoke)
Japanese: HE-AAC 2.0 Stereo ~ 100KB/s 48kHz
Subs: Custom ASS subs, Vobsubs (full), Vobsubs (signs/karaoke)
Also on the update news, my DVDs come tomorrow more details on that when they arrive.
On the encoding front, I am 4 episodes into Tylor, and 2 episodes into Space Pirate Mito batch for Mito will be at 4 episodes, Tylor will receive no batch until I finish it, it will also be available on bakabt just as all these will.
I have a IRC channel now for those that like IRC. The link for it is right above the others on the left, also I have begun recruiting members. Please contact me for further information on positions requirements and overall catgirl information.
Don't leave me out
My laptop keeps crashing, but I am working on it, but I just wanted to drop in and help with the random catgirl pics :P
Heh sticking with the theme of the day
Hehehe well apparently Sashamaru caught on, either way these pictures are fun so I might just use them for my update posts.
Anyways not much releases right now getting everything ready so I will not need to make another revision. for those of you that are bored and/or want to know more about me or my beliefs just check out the new extended quotes and lectures page
This weekend we have some nice stuff coming so make sure to check in.
I think Dual-Duality is a pretty cool guy. eh links to amateur Japanese CG catgurl sites and doesn't afraid of anything.
I'm glad to see that John will be around more often, for he is a purveyor of lulz.
I swung by the site after a day or so, and came across this link posted by John in the chatroom.
To quote the site's main statement on it's CG gallery:
"Because there are many for itself, it is does forcefully, and it is being classified."
Indeed, there are several varieties of catgirls on this site that are in need of classification. There are even some tutorials on how to create your very own CG-drawn catgirls using the same programs that the artist used. Alas, they are detailed in Japanese. Google Chrome gets diarrhea when it tries to translate it. It basically says "No."
So who missed me........anyone?
So which one of the 3 or 4 people that Pro makes read this missed me? Anybody? come on don't be shy speak up........whatever then :P
So by the looks of things, it has been real quiet around here (insert cricket noise here) because why else would Pro send secret messages written in the blood of small farm animals (a.k.a super annoying red font thingy)......Pro I am on to you and your sick ways and your mind control and your sex appeal.....Damn it Pro stay out of my head!!
But seriously people (all 3 or 4 of you) I kind of needed a break from the fabulous world of the internetz and my real life is kind of crazy, so I took one, a break that is. Thats right I got it like that, I can stop using the internet anytime I want to!!!!The internet has no hold on my soul, I can leave anytime I want.... (Disclaimer- I would just like to point out the internet does indeed have a firm grip upon me and in fact I surfed the internet on my droid the whole entire time I was gone. Please forgive me Internet for spouting horrible lies about you, please don't hurt me anymore, I am sorry)
But now that I am back don't you worry my kittens things will perk up again. I will post witty updates about absolute nothing again. After all that is why Pro keeps me around here (my wittiness) because we all know besides that I do nothing else :P (okay well on occasion I do smuggle stuff in my.........just kidding Homeland security and Border Patrol and ICE and Customs)
It is nice to be back ( I think.....:| ) and before I go I would just like to say some stuff to the animators of "One Piece" and "bleach" and "Naruto" (like they care LMAO)
STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE, I am 80 episodes into One piece and just knowing that I got 300+ more to go makes me wanna bang my head on a very hard concrete wall. And that goes for you as well Bleach and Naruto, enough is enough I just cant take it anymore.
Well this concouldes my time, I would like to thank you all and I look forward to being forced into this many more times.
I say good day to you
and remember kids........."I just anime"
So by the looks of things, it has been real quiet around here (insert cricket noise here) because why else would Pro send secret messages written in the blood of small farm animals (a.k.a super annoying red font thingy)......Pro I am on to you and your sick ways and your mind control and your sex appeal.....Damn it Pro stay out of my head!!
But seriously people (all 3 or 4 of you) I kind of needed a break from the fabulous world of the internetz and my real life is kind of crazy, so I took one, a break that is. Thats right I got it like that, I can stop using the internet anytime I want to!!!!The internet has no hold on my soul, I can leave anytime I want.... (Disclaimer- I would just like to point out the internet does indeed have a firm grip upon me and in fact I surfed the internet on my droid the whole entire time I was gone. Please forgive me Internet for spouting horrible lies about you, please don't hurt me anymore, I am sorry)
But now that I am back don't you worry my kittens things will perk up again. I will post witty updates about absolute nothing again. After all that is why Pro keeps me around here (my wittiness) because we all know besides that I do nothing else :P (okay well on occasion I do smuggle stuff in my.........just kidding Homeland security and Border Patrol and ICE and Customs)
It is nice to be back ( I think.....:| ) and before I go I would just like to say some stuff to the animators of "One Piece" and "bleach" and "Naruto" (like they care LMAO)
STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE, I am 80 episodes into One piece and just knowing that I got 300+ more to go makes me wanna bang my head on a very hard concrete wall. And that goes for you as well Bleach and Naruto, enough is enough I just cant take it anymore.
Well this concouldes my time, I would like to thank you all and I look forward to being forced into this many more times.
I say good day to you
and remember kids........."I just anime"
Echoplex....the NIN song....look it up! (pretty much sums up my weekend) Weekend Update
Well so a bunch of good stuff has happened this weekend, besides it mainly being me alone here, which normally does not happen but for some reason I guess everyone else was busy or something.
I bought my $120 worth of anime again, this time ALL of them are projects I am going to do.
I think I will probably start with the fun looking new show that I have never watched before, Miami Guns, which fell under one of my secret categories for almost instant acception.
G Gundam aka Mobile Fighter Gundam G and Buso Renkin aka Arms Alchemy are also up to bat along with the Berserk Remastered DVD's which I purchased on a whim. (and because my ISO's did not work ; and I need all the bandwitdh I can get)
I have started work on Galaxy Angel and am finalizing a version as I write this, I also am looking into redoing Tylor and making a much more time consumingly created V3.
IRC Channel is up after some *cough* *cough* troubles with control. It is pretty well updated, but nobody goes to it but me right now, so if you want to drop by, say hi, or just idle.
Mahoromatic has the first 2 V3's complete, and the first 4 episodes synced. I will finish the other 2 episodes and release them all as a batch and then get the rest of the BD's so I can finish what I started!
Please note, this is to staff and everyone else who comes here.
God damn it, if you leave me alone like this for too long I am gonna go crazy, I mean atleast idle in the chatroom so I can think I am actually talking to someone other than myself as I constantly update about everything I do!
Damn it I need more people on my site, I mean half the reason I originally made the chatbox was so that I could talk to people as I waited for the video preview in AVSP to update. The other half is because if left alone for too long I start to lose my mind, and become........ you probably can think of something for those that know me.
Irresponsible Captain Tylor - Episode 1
Episode 1 is now available to download.
Video R1 Remastered DVD
Video: H.264 640x480 (4.3) 23.976 fps ~1950Kbits/s
Japanese: HE-AAC 2.0 Stereo ~ 178KB/s 48kHz
English: HE-AAC 2.0 Stereo ~171Kb/s 48kHz
Subs: Custom ASS subs, Vobsubs (full), Vobsubs (signs/karaoke)
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Welcome to the Dual-Duality and the Anime Archive
Welcome newcomers and people who have been here through the Ages. I am the keeper of this archive. This website shall be used for 2 purposes
1: To release my groups encodes and create a community.
2:To document and obtain good anime. The anime has to be finished but may or may not be dubbed ( I will state if it is dubbed or subbed) and may or may not involve mild nudity (again I will state if it does, also nipples nothing else or that is hentai),pictures or screenshots may be used (and are encouraged but no nudity), also I may state the main genres that are most prominent in the series.
Things that are required to download everything correctly:
A torrent client (utorrent works well)
A BakaBT account (that is where I usually link to and I upload anime there)
"JDownloader"> (it is a type of download manager for Direct download sites like RS,MU and Mediafire which I will be using alot of, but can also download batches of files from a single index file, I will only use these rarely but they will be used if no other option is available. It also has native support for mediafire so it makes things much easier.)