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Echoplex....the NIN song....look it up! (pretty much sums up my weekend) Weekend Update
Well so a bunch of good stuff has happened this weekend, besides it mainly being me alone here, which normally does not happen but for some reason I guess everyone else was busy or something.
I bought my $120 worth of anime again, this time ALL of them are projects I am going to do.
I think I will probably start with the fun looking new show that I have never watched before, Miami Guns, which fell under one of my secret categories for almost instant acception.
G Gundam aka Mobile Fighter Gundam G and Buso Renkin aka Arms Alchemy are also up to bat along with the Berserk Remastered DVD's which I purchased on a whim. (and because my ISO's did not work ; and I need all the bandwitdh I can get)
I have started work on Galaxy Angel and am finalizing a version as I write this, I also am looking into redoing Tylor and making a much more time consumingly created V3.
IRC Channel is up after some *cough* *cough* troubles with control. It is pretty well updated, but nobody goes to it but me right now, so if you want to drop by, say hi, or just idle.
Mahoromatic has the first 2 V3's complete, and the first 4 episodes synced. I will finish the other 2 episodes and release them all as a batch and then get the rest of the BD's so I can finish what I started!
Please note, this is to staff and everyone else who comes here.
God damn it, if you leave me alone like this for too long I am gonna go crazy, I mean atleast idle in the chatroom so I can think I am actually talking to someone other than myself as I constantly update about everything I do!
Damn it I need more people on my site, I mean half the reason I originally made the chatbox was so that I could talk to people as I waited for the video preview in AVSP to update. The other half is because if left alone for too long I start to lose my mind, and become........ you probably can think of something for those that know me.
Irresponsible Captain Tylor - Episode 1
Episode 1 is now available to download.
Video R1 Remastered DVD
Video: H.264 640x480 (4.3) 23.976 fps ~1950Kbits/s
Japanese: HE-AAC 2.0 Stereo ~ 178KB/s 48kHz
English: HE-AAC 2.0 Stereo ~171Kb/s 48kHz
Subs: Custom ASS subs, Vobsubs (full), Vobsubs (signs/karaoke)
News from the Frontlines!
Well my Tylor V2's are going splendidly, as you can see above they look good, but look at the source lol
My first release of that should be done tomorrow.
Sashamaru is back and should be synchronizing the audio very soon so the next 2 episodes of Mahoromatic should be out by the end of the week.
John is also back from his trip where he kicked ass and took names and chewed bubble gum, unfortunately for him he kicked all the ass before he could run out of bubble gum.
Van from Bakabt is now showing his devotion to the cause (me :D ) by helping to supply anime for me to encode. I will make sure to make a dedication to him after I completely encode his dvd's.
The first show he is giving to me is Galaxy Angels. Which is one of my favorites so that shit is gonna get encoded real nice like!
My first release of that should be done tomorrow.
Sashamaru is back and should be synchronizing the audio very soon so the next 2 episodes of Mahoromatic should be out by the end of the week.
John is also back from his trip where he kicked ass and took names and chewed bubble gum, unfortunately for him he kicked all the ass before he could run out of bubble gum.
Van from Bakabt is now showing his devotion to the cause (me :D ) by helping to supply anime for me to encode. I will make sure to make a dedication to him after I completely encode his dvd's.
The first show he is giving to me is Galaxy Angels. Which is one of my favorites so that shit is gonna get encoded real nice like!
Well that was fun! Now for some updates
Well doing the first bluray for Mahoromatic turned out extremely well and hopefully I will be able to maintain this momentum.
I am gonna take another attempt at doing Berserk Remastered.
I am also going to start my LONG overdue project of beginning Irresponsible Captain Tylor Remastered
Next month it is back to Mahoromatic, speaking of Mahoromatic
Currently I am waiting for Sashamaru to get the audio synced with episodes 3 and 4, as soon as he does that and I QC it then a release will go up. That should take a week MAX for both episode to be released.
Also thanks everyone for giving me support and for helping in any way you can.
I love how all of my friends on BakaBT are starting to pull through, you guys rock!
I am gonna take another attempt at doing Berserk Remastered.
I am also going to start my LONG overdue project of beginning Irresponsible Captain Tylor Remastered
Next month it is back to Mahoromatic, speaking of Mahoromatic
Currently I am waiting for Sashamaru to get the audio synced with episodes 3 and 4, as soon as he does that and I QC it then a release will go up. That should take a week MAX for both episode to be released.
Also thanks everyone for giving me support and for helping in any way you can.
I love how all of my friends on BakaBT are starting to pull through, you guys rock!
Another one bites the dust.
Good old Sashamaru and his amazing skills have once again insured that the release of future bluray encodes will be timely ones. I will be uploading the FLAC audio at the end of the month, so you wierdos can wait until then to get it.
Original Scan for those that want
Video R2 Blurays
Audio and Subs R1 DVD
Video: H.264 1208x712 (1.697) 23.976 fps ~3000KB/s
Japanese: HE-AAC 2.0 167KB/s
English: HE-AAC 2.0 stereo 120 KB/s
Subs: Custom ASS subs with Karaoke
(if these subs prove to be too much for your computer request that I make some less fancy ones and I will do it)
[Warning show contains mild nudity]
Back.....with avengeance! And Robot Maids!
Alright my perfectionism took hold as you may have noticed, yes no releases in the last 20 days, but that will change very soon thanks to many things. Sashamaru will be a great help when it comes to doing blurays and I hope he stays with us as long as he can.
I plan to finish Mahoromatic and then work on the second season. I will still continue my other projects but I can finally add some that I have been craving for a long time. Soon I will begin my work on Gundam G which is the ONLY Gundam series that I still like after watching Gundam Seed.
Once I am able to accomplish a few other things then I will begin my other couple projects I have been waiting on, my main issue is that I do not want to encode something and not be able to split it at the right times so that has been causing me some troubles.
I have also learned how to use Aegis sub so fancy ASS ( get it hahaha) subs will coming for my releases, along with vobsubs for those who do not have the computer power/visual preference.
And now for the actual fun stuff !
Video R2 Blurays
Audio and Subs R1 DVD
Video: H.264 1208x712 (1.697) 23.976 fps ~3000KB/s
Japanese: HE-AAC 2.0 167KB/s
(option FLAC audio available in the download page)
English: HE-AAC 2.0 stereo 120 KB/s
Subs: Custom ASS subs with Karaoke
(if these subs prove to be too much for your computer request that I make some less fancy ones and I will do it)
[Warning show contains mild nudity]
Episode 1 Download
I plan to finish Mahoromatic and then work on the second season. I will still continue my other projects but I can finally add some that I have been craving for a long time. Soon I will begin my work on Gundam G which is the ONLY Gundam series that I still like after watching Gundam Seed.
Once I am able to accomplish a few other things then I will begin my other couple projects I have been waiting on, my main issue is that I do not want to encode something and not be able to split it at the right times so that has been causing me some troubles.
I have also learned how to use Aegis sub so fancy ASS ( get it hahaha) subs will coming for my releases, along with vobsubs for those who do not have the computer power/visual preference.
And now for the actual fun stuff !
Mahoromatic Dual Audio Bluray Encode!
Original Scan for those that want
Video R2 Blurays
Audio and Subs R1 DVD
Video: H.264 1208x712 (1.697) 23.976 fps ~3000KB/s
Japanese: HE-AAC 2.0 167KB/s
(option FLAC audio available in the download page)
English: HE-AAC 2.0 stereo 120 KB/s
Subs: Custom ASS subs with Karaoke
(if these subs prove to be too much for your computer request that I make some less fancy ones and I will do it)
[Warning show contains mild nudity]
Episode 1 Download
A new staff member appears!
Hello, there! I'm Sashamaru, "Sasha" for short. I'm your average 20-something who works with computers, plays video games, watches anime, and doesn't get out as much as he should.
I'll be working with TheProfileth in the days to come with some of the finer points of the Dual-Duality encoding process that do not have to do with actually encoding the video. I may tinker with subs, dabble with audio, etc. Hopefully my work will contribute to making higher-quality releases and a better anime watching experience for all of you dub-lovers out there.
I'll also be contributing as a site administrator, which is just a fancy way of saying that I'll be getting my required dose of web-lulz by playing around with the site layout from time to time. =^__^=
I'm active over at BakaBT, so I may also do some HTML descriptions for the Dual-Duality releases that get uploaded there.
Well as you can see, we are quite lazy, so not much of a "overhaul" as John made it out to be. lol I just told him I wanted to do some time maintenance, which meant change a few things and update some old data. I still need to do a few more things but enough about that.
Mahoromatic bluray encode is almost done, I just need the DVD's so I can get it all fixed up and ready to go. Screens here and here
I will be doing some testing with it from not so nice audio sources (other encodes, just so I can see how out of sync the audio is going to be) , for those that want to help contact me and I will give you a QC version of the encode.
I might start working on an unnamed series that I previously worked on, and actually started my group over, but now that I have a sufficient level of knowledge and skill I am going to go back and redo it properly.
I also will start producing more encodes from DVD's as those take much less time than the blurays, so Godannar should be out within the this month.
I might start on Tenchi Universe, but the DVD I got from John was busted so I need a new one.
I will also look into getting a script started for Berserk Remastered.
That reminds me, I need to think about doing Tylor Remastered aswell.
Mahoromatic bluray encode is almost done, I just need the DVD's so I can get it all fixed up and ready to go. Screens here and here
I will be doing some testing with it from not so nice audio sources (other encodes, just so I can see how out of sync the audio is going to be) , for those that want to help contact me and I will give you a QC version of the encode.
I might start working on an unnamed series that I previously worked on, and actually started my group over, but now that I have a sufficient level of knowledge and skill I am going to go back and redo it properly.
I also will start producing more encodes from DVD's as those take much less time than the blurays, so Godannar should be out within the this month.
I might start on Tenchi Universe, but the DVD I got from John was busted so I need a new one.
I will also look into getting a script started for Berserk Remastered.
That reminds me, I need to think about doing Tylor Remastered aswell.
Over haul starting Fri or Sat
We are going to be doing a complete site overhaul starting most likely on Friday or Saturday. It will be a full maintenance thing so wish me luck in dealing with pro!!
thank you for your time
"I just anime"
thank you for your time
"I just anime"
Remember me? Monday night update
Remember me folks? I know most of you have been wondering where I have been, so if you must know I have been busy looking for my copy of Eureka 7 I threw at Pro the other day. I found it, it was in Pros bathroom (a.k.a throne room) and you would not believe the state I found it in. I will spare you the nitty gritty details but know this my fellow internet geeks and anime lovers it is not pretty.
I have submitted it to the FBI crime lab for a full spectrum analysis..........
I was going to beat the hell out of Pro (with my words *wink*) but i decided to be nice and spare him for the time being, you get a free pass tonight Pro but i swear next time -shakes fist like old man-
When it comes to anime me and Pro are like night and day, we constantly argue over what series to watch. Pro seems to think ecchi and moe are where its at, and I am a avid mecha lover with a dash of everything else (mainly mecha tho). Pro is like a really, really, really shady used ecchi salesman, constantly pushing ecchi on me like its crack or something. NO MEANS NO PRO, anyways the reason I am spouting all this stuff about mine and Pros anime preference is because of the updates, which here they are......oops I seem to have forgotten what the updates are supposed to be. hhhhmmmmmmmmm oh yeah thats right Godannar and Dvds.
****** Godannar is up in the download section
I really really disliked that show (Godannar), I was only able to sit through 2 eps, I think I might have puked in my mouth a little while watching it, and don't take that wrong it was not due to the encode it was due to the show itself. The encode is beautiful.
"The encode looks so good that that might be a reason in itself to watch the show"
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ those are pros words, i would never say such a thing, i watch anime for the love of anime not for the encodes, encodes are like a added bonus, if the show is of my liking that is ;p ). *******
****** Pro said something about doing a encode of some show called "Maid Team" I've never heard of it but thats probably because its ecchi/moe......-sigh- ******
****** H2 has kind of stalled, mainly due to me *******
****** All of the DVDs have arrived except Macademi Wasshoi, which seems to be traveling to me in a rickshaw or something *******
I am pretty sure I have forgotten something, but Pro will step in and fix it......
thanks for reading
And remember kids
" I just anime "
I have submitted it to the FBI crime lab for a full spectrum analysis..........
I was going to beat the hell out of Pro (with my words *wink*) but i decided to be nice and spare him for the time being, you get a free pass tonight Pro but i swear next time -shakes fist like old man-
When it comes to anime me and Pro are like night and day, we constantly argue over what series to watch. Pro seems to think ecchi and moe are where its at, and I am a avid mecha lover with a dash of everything else (mainly mecha tho). Pro is like a really, really, really shady used ecchi salesman, constantly pushing ecchi on me like its crack or something. NO MEANS NO PRO, anyways the reason I am spouting all this stuff about mine and Pros anime preference is because of the updates, which here they are......oops I seem to have forgotten what the updates are supposed to be. hhhhmmmmmmmmm oh yeah thats right Godannar and Dvds.
****** Godannar is up in the download section
I really really disliked that show (Godannar), I was only able to sit through 2 eps, I think I might have puked in my mouth a little while watching it, and don't take that wrong it was not due to the encode it was due to the show itself. The encode is beautiful.
"The encode looks so good that that might be a reason in itself to watch the show"
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ those are pros words, i would never say such a thing, i watch anime for the love of anime not for the encodes, encodes are like a added bonus, if the show is of my liking that is ;p ). *******
****** Pro said something about doing a encode of some show called "Maid Team" I've never heard of it but thats probably because its ecchi/moe......-sigh- ******
****** H2 has kind of stalled, mainly due to me *******
****** All of the DVDs have arrived except Macademi Wasshoi, which seems to be traveling to me in a rickshaw or something *******
I am pretty sure I have forgotten something, but Pro will step in and fix it......
thanks for reading
And remember kids
" I just anime "
Weekend Update
Ok for this weeks update it is going to be about half recap, half future plans, and half ranting.
So I have started Godannar I love how it looks I have put up episode 1-5 in the group download section
I am making a V3 for Episode 1, so that should be up by tomorrow, the differences will not be that noticeable to most people, they are mainly just for me.
I will start on the second DVD as soon as I get it from John
(poor John he bought the DVD's and does not even like the show in the end, well that is why we love him)
I should start on H2 as soon as I get those aswell. I am going to switch between Godannar and H2 until the DVDs are all used up.
Ok so this week most of us *cough* received our DVD's.
John has received all of his expect Macademi Wasshoi :(
LMAO Apparently my delivery was delayed do to "Adverse Weather" at 1 am in California?
I am going to be experimenting with some more HD stuff soon so that should be fun.
Source:R1 DVD's
Video: H.264 880x492 (16/9) 29.97 fps 2400KB/s
English 448 KB/s 5.1 AC3
Japanese 224 KB/s 2.0 AC3
VOBSUBS and Signs/Songs track
SRT Subs
Downloads Here
Remember live free or dub hard
If it ain't Dual then it ain't right
So I have started Godannar I love how it looks I have put up episode 1-5 in the group download section
I am making a V3 for Episode 1, so that should be up by tomorrow, the differences will not be that noticeable to most people, they are mainly just for me.
I will start on the second DVD as soon as I get it from John
(poor John he bought the DVD's and does not even like the show in the end, well that is why we love him)
I should start on H2 as soon as I get those aswell. I am going to switch between Godannar and H2 until the DVDs are all used up.
Ok so this week most of us *cough* received our DVD's.
John has received all of his expect Macademi Wasshoi :(
LMAO Apparently my delivery was delayed do to "Adverse Weather" at 1 am in California?
I am going to be experimenting with some more HD stuff soon so that should be fun.
Source:R1 DVD's
Video: H.264 880x492 (16/9) 29.97 fps 2400KB/s
English 448 KB/s 5.1 AC3
Japanese 224 KB/s 2.0 AC3
VOBSUBS and Signs/Songs track
SRT Subs
Downloads Here
Remember live free or dub hard
If it ain't Dual then it ain't right
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Welcome to the Dual-Duality and the Anime Archive
Welcome newcomers and people who have been here through the Ages. I am the keeper of this archive. This website shall be used for 2 purposes
1: To release my groups encodes and create a community.
2:To document and obtain good anime. The anime has to be finished but may or may not be dubbed ( I will state if it is dubbed or subbed) and may or may not involve mild nudity (again I will state if it does, also nipples nothing else or that is hentai),pictures or screenshots may be used (and are encouraged but no nudity), also I may state the main genres that are most prominent in the series.
Things that are required to download everything correctly:
A torrent client (utorrent works well)
A BakaBT account (that is where I usually link to and I upload anime there)
"JDownloader"> (it is a type of download manager for Direct download sites like RS,MU and Mediafire which I will be using alot of, but can also download batches of files from a single index file, I will only use these rarely but they will be used if no other option is available. It also has native support for mediafire so it makes things much easier.)