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Well I think its about time I apologized
One of the comments on the last post, has sort of caught my attention, and I really feel that I should respond to this
Well, I think you sort of have the right to say that, we have been delaying shit and not getting things released. I do apologize for the lack of follow through on our part, and I would like to say to you that most of the issues we are having are really having to do with getting everything perfect, rather than releasing some have half baked shit encode then fading out of existence.
Alot of the problem also stems from me mainly encoding things, then not not completing the rest of the process, IE subs , which is really lame on my part. Becuase to be honest I have over 40 episodes encoded and ready for release. (Galaxy Angels is almost done I am only 1 dvd away but I decided to just wait until I finish it all to release it, which is something I probably should of stated earlier)
And I am not gonna make excuses like "we are still a new group and you should not expect much from us" or "we have not gotten everything in motion yet" or "we have not gotten a system down yet" because that would be pointless. If we make promises we should deliver on them not forget about them.
The only thing I will say, is that when my computer got messed up that really threw a hitch in my plans, but it was not big enough to have caused all of this , same goes for when Light went to New York, again a minor delay but nothing that should of caused this backlog of unfulfilled demands.
And so I apologize to you, and everyone for not being good to my word.
I will make no further statement on the status of releases, but I can say that the most recent ones have a 80% chance of coming true atleast.
Are you serious? How can you post an update when the last two have been 'we finished stuff! we've got stuff coming!' but you haven't released anything in a month and a half? What happened to that "2 episodes a week" and "one DVD series a week" stuff?If you aren't going to or can't release shit, stop saying you are going to "SOON". You announce more and more and more and more but none of it ever sees the light of day, or you move on to something else after doing one or two episodes of a show.
You people are a complete joke.
Well, I think you sort of have the right to say that, we have been delaying shit and not getting things released. I do apologize for the lack of follow through on our part, and I would like to say to you that most of the issues we are having are really having to do with getting everything perfect, rather than releasing some have half baked shit encode then fading out of existence.
Alot of the problem also stems from me mainly encoding things, then not not completing the rest of the process, IE subs , which is really lame on my part. Becuase to be honest I have over 40 episodes encoded and ready for release. (Galaxy Angels is almost done I am only 1 dvd away but I decided to just wait until I finish it all to release it, which is something I probably should of stated earlier)
And I am not gonna make excuses like "we are still a new group and you should not expect much from us" or "we have not gotten everything in motion yet" or "we have not gotten a system down yet" because that would be pointless. If we make promises we should deliver on them not forget about them.
The only thing I will say, is that when my computer got messed up that really threw a hitch in my plans, but it was not big enough to have caused all of this , same goes for when Light went to New York, again a minor delay but nothing that should of caused this backlog of unfulfilled demands.
And so I apologize to you, and everyone for not being good to my word.
I will make no further statement on the status of releases, but I can say that the most recent ones have a 80% chance of coming true atleast.
Best Served Hot.

I've noticed that, you have noticed, that I noticed before you, that you're reading this post.
On a side note. I feel that our Dual-Duality community is feeling left out. In the blue. Alone. Don't worry, I'm here to fix that. Here is an update of things to come. I hope you're prepared because there are quite a few projects that will be released soon as well as a special dish.
Now there is no set date for these, but do expect these all to be release within the next week or so. The combined powers of "ProLight" have been going a good pace and we should be expecting the following, I'll give a brief descripition of the series as well... Enjoy.
DearS: Ikuhara Takeya is a high school student living a normal life. He is not interested in the commotion around a UFO filled with beautiful alien females that crashed on earth a year ago. The aliens, known as DearS, are deciding to take permanent residence on earth. What no one knows is that these aliens are a slave species whose sole purpose is to serve and please their masters. One day, Takeya spots a person shivering behind some bushes. This person, Ren, is one of the DearS, and after being saved by Takeya she chooses him as her master. Takeya, who doesn't know about the master-slave relationship of DearS, tries to learn Ren the normal lifestyle of the people on earth, though he constantly fears that Ren is an evil alien who's trying to brainwash him. But Ren isn't like other DearS. She is in fact malfunctioning and is being tracked down by their leader. Meanwhile, Takeya begins to learn more about DearS, and a mythical DearS relationship called “Gift” begin to develop between them.
Elemental Gelade: After a routine raid, the rookie sky pirate Cou finds a most unusual cargo in his mates' cargo hold: Ren, an "Edel Reid", a race prized by humans for granting special combat power to their partners through "Reacting". He quickly discovers, however, that Ren is even more prized than he expected. The pirate ship is visited by three members of the Edel Reid Complete Protection Agency "Arc Aire", who try to purchase her. When Cou refuses, the ship is suddenly attacked by a mysterious force, and Cou's captain charges him with Ren's protection.
Detatoko Princess: After a prank gone wrong, Princess Lapis must undergo a long journey back home to the Diamond Palace. With her for this adventure are a young sprite, a directionally challenged immortal, and her math tutor. Armed with the powerful magic eraser, and an unmatched love of pudding, Lapis continues forth righting the injustices of the world and defeating magical foes.
Secret Project: N/A
I've searched all around the cyber universe to find information on the secret project. I've also attempted to hack the A.I. Cyber-Ninja, Pro. That didn't work either. You people will have to wait for this one, sorry.
After these are completed, expect the next Projects to be started on and released at a date that we will reveal in the future. Naussica, if peer pressure goes well and Slayers.
Release Schedule Update
I have updated the releases schedule, you can find it on the release schedule page, or here on pastebin
In other news, I have completed scripting for a couple of shows, most notably Naussica of the Valley of the Wind BD and a joint project with CopyCat-Anime, Tenchi Muyo OVA's BD
ummmm my brain is still half asleep, when I remember more stuff I will update this
~Wes, the guy that's just... "there."

I'm Wesbeam, Wes, or Kyle. I'll accept either of those names. The origination of my name "Wesbeam" came from the original... Wesbeamrandall which was automatically made from an old game, long ago... In a galaxy far- opps. Back on topic, then got shorten to Wesbeamran due to max letters for another game, then to what it is now. Just because I didn't like the "ran" that was in the username.
Umm... Some background about me. I'm a Warcraft guy, read all the books, played all the games, as well as participated in all the Blizzard Entertainment Beta's. xD I tend to enjoy most anime series out there, so if you know of one tell me and I'll write it down and watch it.
I'm not a new encoder, sadly. But I'm the guy that just sits and updates the webpage. ;D Maybe more if needs be, but right now that is my role. I hope the be able to help a lot around here. I do plan to make myself at home and stay here for quite a long time. :)
One of my favorite picture is the one to the left, I'm not a super fan of Pokemon but I do like the Pichu Brothers.
Last but not least what do I think of TheProfileth? Well, first impression after reading all the philosophy chats... I really thought he was an interesting fella. He's given me a lot of different views on things. After you get to know him and the... "interesting" chats we had about anime *cough* and Hard drive space *end coughing* yea, its a ton of fun. :D
That is all. If you need me. Well, oh well, find Profileth first. He's a Ninja, he'll come out of no-where when you least expect it. Believe me, he will... No but seriously, if you need me, I'll be around...Somewhere.
SHIT GOT DONE!!! : Edit Update
We can all thank god for Sashamaru who helped (almost single handedly) create this gigantic chart. Now we can get some shit done! Elemental Gelade will be released really soon I got to QC it first though
Edit: Slight Update added the newest revision to the release schedule and I am going to put this in the
The Profileth' Shows
(Weekly release schedule, Atleast two episodes per week)
Slow as a snail bitches! Currently snacking on OVA's! When those are done he will start on his dinner
Main course (full series):
(1)Mahoromatic-->(2)Slayers (joint project with @Home)-->(3)Fate/Stay Night
Side dish (short series/ova):
(1)Galaxy Angels-->(2)Space Pirate Mito-->(3)Slayers Movies
On Layaway
Macademi Wasshoi (we really need the dvds!!!)
Dragon Half
Burn Up Warrior
Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-chan
Slayers Movies
Short Series 13 episodes
Miami Guns
Full Series 24-26 episodes
Galaxy Angels ~2.4 FPS 2.5 hours
Berserk 2 pass ~1.2 FPS 22 Hours
G Gundam
Koihime (then Koihime Musou)
Mahoromatic Bluray .33 FPS 27 Hours
Space Pirate Mito 1.5 FPS 8 Hours
Irresponsible Captain Tylor
Fate Stay Night Bluray 2 pass ~.3fps for both passes 48 Hours
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Those Who Hunt Elves
Bleach Seasons 1-4
Lightningedger's Shows
(?Pseudo? Weekly release schedule. Probably atleast one full DVD series per week. Two short series or OVA every other week.)
(basically he does shit too fast to actually take an accurate reading with out encodometeres so we take what he gives us )
1. Elemental Gelade
2. DearS
3. Princess Minerva + Outlanders v2
4. Hanaukyo Maid Team + Kanokon
5. Invader Zim (we will see how much we can do) + Godannar
6. Naasica BD + Bastard + Orphen
7. Busou Renkin
8. Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari BD
9. Martian Successor Nadesico BD
10. ???
On Hold Waiting for R1 BD release
Read Or Die OVA BD
Read Or Die TV
On Hold Till We find Source
Read Or Die OVA Bluray
Short Series
Hanaukyo Maid Team
2x2=Shinobuden AKA Ninja Nonsense
Full Series
Elemental Gelade
Read Or Die TV Bluray
Rave Master
Buso Renkin
Invader Zim FUCK YEA!
Sorcerer Stabber Orphen
Shows I want Light to encode for me
Nausicaa Bluray
Princess Minerva
Outlanders V2
Short Series
Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari (12 episode OVA) Bluray
Full Series
Martian Succesor Nadesico Bluray
Dragon Half
Burn Up Warrior
Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-chan
Slayers Movies
Read Or Die OVA Bluray
Nausicaa Bluray
Princess Minerva
Short Series 13 episodes
Miami Guns
Hanaukyo Maid Team
Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari (12 episode OVA) Bluray
2x2=Shinobuden AKA Ninja Nonsense
Full Series 24-26 episodes
Galaxy Angels
G Gundam
Koihime (then Koihime Musou)
Mahoromatic Bluray
Space Pirate Mito
Irresponsible Captain Tylor
Fate Stay Night Bluray
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Those Who Hunt Elves
Bleach Seasons 1-4
Elemental Gelade
Read Or Die TV Bluray
Rave Master
Buso Renkin
Invader Zim FUCK YEA!
Sorcerer Stabber Orphen
Martian Succesor Nadesico Bluray
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Welcome to the Dual-Duality and the Anime Archive
Welcome newcomers and people who have been here through the Ages. I am the keeper of this archive. This website shall be used for 2 purposes
1: To release my groups encodes and create a community.
2:To document and obtain good anime. The anime has to be finished but may or may not be dubbed ( I will state if it is dubbed or subbed) and may or may not involve mild nudity (again I will state if it does, also nipples nothing else or that is hentai),pictures or screenshots may be used (and are encouraged but no nudity), also I may state the main genres that are most prominent in the series.
Things that are required to download everything correctly:
A torrent client (utorrent works well)
A BakaBT account (that is where I usually link to and I upload anime there)
"JDownloader"> (it is a type of download manager for Direct download sites like RS,MU and Mediafire which I will be using alot of, but can also download batches of files from a single index file, I will only use these rarely but they will be used if no other option is available. It also has native support for mediafire so it makes things much easier.)