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Leaving the gang
thats right guys, i am leaving the group to venture off in the world and do my own thing, it was a short awesome time i had here chatting with peeps, i only managed to produce 1 release for this team, tsk... im too lazy and even more so when i know its waiting on me to do, so that is why i prefer to leave and get motivation on doing stuff my own way.
wish you all the best and have a good day
wish you all the best and have a good day
Weekend Update
Ok well time for the king to step down from his throne and address his adoring public.
*someone in background yells* "You stink!" *throws a copy of Eureka 7 at TheProfileth, who cringes in revulsion*
Either way now for the update
Elf Princess Rane is finished, looks very nice thanks to my policy of always making a v2.
That is being added to the download section as I write this.
I have started on the 720p encode of Kurokami, yes the bluray rip and for those Korean fans it will include a Korean dub in the final encode. I will put that up for public downloading after John and I quality check it.
(Mainly it is going to be me QCing, John should be able to spot general errors though)
I have finally got around to putting the Nadesico movie up in the group download section. I also am considering doing a v2 of it with a better source and maybe even a 1080p encode of it.
The coming weeks look to be very interesting due to the this next part
Again we can thank John for the future. He has purchased a variety of DVD's that we will encode.
And so have far he has secured
Macademi Wasshoi
and a few other shows only insiders will be allowed to get
Speaking of buying DVD's I made my bi-monthly purchase from Right Stuf and have yield this
Cowboy Bebop Remix DVD Collection
Get Backers DVD Season 1
Hanaukyo Maid Team La Verite
*someone in background yells* "You stink!" *throws a copy of Eureka 7 at TheProfileth, who cringes in revulsion*
Either way now for the update
Elf Princess Rane is finished, looks very nice thanks to my policy of always making a v2.
That is being added to the download section as I write this.
I have started on the 720p encode of Kurokami, yes the bluray rip and for those Korean fans it will include a Korean dub in the final encode. I will put that up for public downloading after John and I quality check it.
(Mainly it is going to be me QCing, John should be able to spot general errors though)
I have finally got around to putting the Nadesico movie up in the group download section. I also am considering doing a v2 of it with a better source and maybe even a 1080p encode of it.
The coming weeks look to be very interesting due to the this next part
Again we can thank John for the future. He has purchased a variety of DVD's that we will encode.
And so have far he has secured
Macademi Wasshoi
and a few other shows only insiders will be allowed to get
Speaking of buying DVD's I made my bi-monthly purchase from Right Stuf and have yield this
Cowboy Bebop Remix DVD Collection
Get Backers DVD Season 1
Hanaukyo Maid Team La Verite
Tenchi Muyo: OVA's
and then some other things for insiders only
and then some other things for insiders only
Now why would I buy the DVD's when there are blurays out there or dvd iso's? Besides the fact that I do not have a bluray player there are 2 reasons
1: For the subs and chapters and audio (when doing bluray video encodes)
2: More importantly it is because I want to support the american anime industry, because I want more of what they make.
From that I can tell you I am doing dual audio Tenchi OVA's with bluray video damn straight ;)
I think I am going to encode Bastard next because nobody else has done a proper encode for this show
As soon as I get a show that I really want to do I will just power through it
I also hope to teach John the basics of encoding soon so we may get some more updates the include the
*cough* lesser *cough* members of the group (No I am just kidding I love John )
Thursday April 22 update
I am really tired so I will spare you all the witty commentary and get straight to the newest on-goings. And here they are.......ta-daa
1. Elf Princess Rane is being QC'ed
2. H2 will be started soon, waiting on the DVDs to arrive.
3. Pro is going to try and occupy himself after Rane, with maybe thinking about doing Bastard.
4. Dvds are going to be bought......yay
1. Elf Princess Rane is being QC'ed
2. H2 will be started soon, waiting on the DVDs to arrive.
3. Pro is going to try and occupy himself after Rane, with maybe thinking about doing Bastard.
4. Dvds are going to be bought......yay
Fearless leader has returned!
Alright folks Pro is back!!!! That is good news for you guys out there but bad news for us who work here!!! Oh man we were having fun, we sang and danced to rick!! We played with kittens and watched baseball anime. But no longer can we do those oh so wonderful things, it's back to the beatings and slimy green water in our cages!!! It was fun while it lasted, oh well all good things must come to a end.....sigh.....Okay I am just joking we love Pro around here!!
-please don't hit me sir-
Things have pretty much been quite since pro was gone, we did gain a fan who likes to cut and paste our conversations from the chat box on to a website called I love secret admirers, come forward "ANONYMOUS" and accept our warm embraces. Hold on I will be right back I need a cup of coffee........
Okay I am back but anyways like I said things have been kind of slow with our fearless leader on vacation (must be nice geez) I think next time we are all going to pool our money together and send him somewhere nice so he can come back more relaxed. Okay now for the updates
1. QC has be done for the Vampire Hunter and ROD encodes done by Lynn and now lynn will be doing a V2 for both of them.
2. Pro will get to encoding Elf Princess Rane after he gets help with blending, and he is looking at the Dominion Tank Police encode right now.
3. We have added stuff to the "Project List" (which seems to be growing and growing like something on steroids) Pro is like a oracle always looking to the future.
4. The donate button is FINALLY fixed, go ahead and give it a try :)
-please don't hit me sir-
Things have pretty much been quite since pro was gone, we did gain a fan who likes to cut and paste our conversations from the chat box on to a website called I love secret admirers, come forward "ANONYMOUS" and accept our warm embraces. Hold on I will be right back I need a cup of coffee........
Okay I am back but anyways like I said things have been kind of slow with our fearless leader on vacation (must be nice geez) I think next time we are all going to pool our money together and send him somewhere nice so he can come back more relaxed. Okay now for the updates
1. QC has be done for the Vampire Hunter and ROD encodes done by Lynn and now lynn will be doing a V2 for both of them.
2. Pro will get to encoding Elf Princess Rane after he gets help with blending, and he is looking at the Dominion Tank Police encode right now.
3. We have added stuff to the "Project List" (which seems to be growing and growing like something on steroids) Pro is like a oracle always looking to the future.
4. The donate button is FINALLY fixed, go ahead and give it a try :)
Short Hiatus, on my part atleast
Well I am visiting family this week, so I will have limited access to the computer, I will make sure to read the chatlogs and respond when I come online.
I put up the Rave Master episodes 1-4, very nice quality, too bad only 12 episodes are easily available on dvd. I may choose to encode the tv rips, but that is pending.
When I get home on Friday I will start scripting for my Elf Princess Rane encode, aka Fairy Princess Rane, even though everyone normally calls it Elf Princess Rane. This show is akin to dragon half in the fact that it was cancel only 2 episodes in :( either way I will be encoding it and this encode should be progressively better than the previous ones.
After Rane, I will finish up my Black Heaven script and encode that.
THEN finally get back to the reason I formed this group, Slayers :)
I also will not be able to QC Lynn's encode so you will have wait a few more days before my fixes are give to Lynn for his V2.
I put up the Rave Master episodes 1-4, very nice quality, too bad only 12 episodes are easily available on dvd. I may choose to encode the tv rips, but that is pending.
When I get home on Friday I will start scripting for my Elf Princess Rane encode, aka Fairy Princess Rane, even though everyone normally calls it Elf Princess Rane. This show is akin to dragon half in the fact that it was cancel only 2 episodes in :( either way I will be encoding it and this encode should be progressively better than the previous ones.
After Rane, I will finish up my Black Heaven script and encode that.
THEN finally get back to the reason I formed this group, Slayers :)
I also will not be able to QC Lynn's encode so you will have wait a few more days before my fixes are give to Lynn for his V2.
Can you guess what time it is? UPDATE time!!!!!
Well lady's and gents its my favorite time of the day, UPDATE time! I was going to do one of my nonsense rants but I am really not in the mood tonight. So I have spared your brain cells this time but next time I am gonna double my efforts to confuse and annoy you. So without further ado I give you the latest and greatest updates from the [Dual-Duality] base of operations.
2. Pro is gonna QC Lynn's Vampire encode tomorrow and after Pro will then do Elf Princess Rane.
3. The download section has Trigun (Remastered) in it now.
4. We showed up the main encoder from anime fan rips with this the first picture is a 1080p encode that he did, the second is a test encode (so not even the final) that Lynn did with a 720p raw and then we upscaled it to 1080p for comparison sake. (good times)
5. Lynn is working on R.O.D. (read or die)
6. I made a deal with Pro, If he watches "The Pacific" I will watch NGE. God help me!!!
7. Pro might be ordering his next set of DVDs tomorrow as well.
8. Pro has made a emblem out of the "BOD" check it out.
P.S has anybody else ever noticed my "updates" are " Pro this, Pro that" ? I need to hurry and do my first encode so I can talk about myself more. :)
Dragon Half and The Box of DOOM
Well I would just like to inform everyone the war with "Box of DOOM" is over, I have bowed my head in defeat and surrendered to its tyranny. Its the versailles treaty all over again, I have surrender everything. You win Box of DOOM but I will be back again -shakes fist at box-
So anyway if you haven't noticed we have abandoned the box idea in our emblem. Pro has allowed me to "have fun" (oh boy!) I am not sure if Pro and I have the same idea of what fun is but I guess we will find out. So I will be working on this "FUN" new emblem now and I am still thinking about my first encode (so drop it Pro)
Besides all that boring stuff there is little stuff to report so I will get right to it.
1. Dragon half is now on BakaBT, so check it out. Link----> Dragon Half
2. The donate button is STILL broke but Pro assures me that it will be up and running as soon as pay-pal does it's numbers thing.
3. I am sure I have forgotten something but Pro will yell at me and I will fix it
BOX of DOOM and some updates
It's supposed to say [Dual-Duality] inside it with some sort of image of "tanarot" incorporated into it as well. I don't suppose I will get any responses, maybe Pro or lynn will spam me :)
Moving on to the updates
1. Pro has started Rave Master 1-7 and they should be up soon.
2. Pro has added Dominion Tank Police and the Sequel to his to do list.
3. Lynn is getting closer to a release with those Kenshin OVAs
4. Pro says Lynn can start on Nadesico because he has got the raws.
(Lynn says not until Pro watches the Kenshin OVA's)
(Pro says they are BORING and he will not watch them!)
5. Pro is also going to do a blu-ray of Mahoromatic
6. Donate button is STILL broken.
7. I am going to continue fighting the BOX of DOOM
Wednesday Update
Once again I find myself doing another UPDATE. But it's okay because I need to make myself useful seeing as how I can't make up my mind on what I want my first encode to be. Moving on to the updates.
Pro is almost happy with the script for Black Heaven and when he gets done with that he will get back to working on Slayers.
Lynn is working on his encode of Rurouni Kenshin (Samurai X) OVA's and they will be up in the [Dual-Duality] Downloads section when he gets done.
Rave Master is being looked at.
Dragon Half is now in the [Dual-Duality] download section along with screen shots of the new encode. We are still waiting on BakaBT to accept it but hopefully they will soon.
We are also working on a emblem/water mark for our encodes and the donate button is still not working but Pro promises me that he is working on it.
Pro is almost happy with the script for Black Heaven and when he gets done with that he will get back to working on Slayers.
Lynn is working on his encode of Rurouni Kenshin (Samurai X) OVA's and they will be up in the [Dual-Duality] Downloads section when he gets done.
Rave Master is being looked at.
Dragon Half is now in the [Dual-Duality] download section along with screen shots of the new encode. We are still waiting on BakaBT to accept it but hopefully they will soon.
We are also working on a emblem/water mark for our encodes and the donate button is still not working but Pro promises me that he is working on it.
Update on Slayers and Dragon Half
1. Unfortunately Slayers must be re-encoded due to ghosting issues, so the release date of Slayers has been pushed back, we will keep you informed.
2. Black Heaven encodes coming soon
a quote from TheProfileth "I am gonna do the black heaven encodes before I get back to Slayers"
3. Dragon Half will be up very soon. You will be able to get it from our [Dual-Duality] Downloads page or from BakaBT (should hopefully be approved soon)
4. The Donate button is not working but is being worked on, we are so broke our donate button don't work, plz help us...
1. Unfortunately Slayers must be re-encoded due to ghosting issues, so the release date of Slayers has been pushed back, we will keep you informed.
2. Black Heaven encodes coming soon
a quote from TheProfileth "I am gonna do the black heaven encodes before I get back to Slayers"
3. Dragon Half will be up very soon. You will be able to get it from our [Dual-Duality] Downloads page or from BakaBT (should hopefully be approved soon)
4. The Donate button is not working but is being worked on, we are so broke our donate button don't work, plz help us...
Pro is still working on Slayers but should have it done soon
Dragon Half V2 should hopefully be on BakaBT within a few days
Pro added NGE screen shots to show how awesome the encode is and tweaked the download page so it should look cleaner.
We are thinking about working on a encode of the uncensored strike witches, it is still being tossed around by the higher ups.
EDIT= Pro has been yelling at me non stop and threatening me with his "egg beater of doom", I think he thinks my posts are too short or something, so once again I find myself in the corner trying to type in the dark (good thing i sprung for the light up keyboard when I bought my laptop) and the water in my cage has turned green. This has to be the 10,000 time i have posted this one post.......okay maybe not 10,000 but it sure feels like it. So I have decided to talk about MYSELF and the past few days. First off my allergy's are kicking my @$$ and I am on my 2nd bottle of NyQuil (was the only medicine we had in the house) don't ask why we had two bottles......anyways besides my allergy's life is boring, i have been trying to re-watch " rurouni kenshin" but for some reason I can't get into it again......nope I can not.<------Kenshin joke, if you don't understand watch the series (dubbed of course) and I have serously been thinking about trying to finish watching "Bleach" i am stuck in the Bount Arc so I don't know If i have the will power to finish, it's so soul draining.(get it?) anyways moving on, Pro has been yelling at me to re-watch NGE, but i don't think my brain can handle it, it's been a couple of years since i have watched it and if i remember correctly last time I watched it I had a brain melt that leaves me with..........FMA, yep I think I will re-watch FMA again. Also as I sit here and type I can't help but think about starting a Anti-Pro FaceBook page. One more thing before I go, i finally got a demonoid account after waiting over a year. I am really surpriesed my ISP hasn't called yet cuz I have been sucking up the bandwidth from the whole neighborhood. okay thats all, no more NyQuil, cutting myself off now............ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz
Pro is still working on Slayers but should have it done soon
Dragon Half V2 should hopefully be on BakaBT within a few days
Pro added NGE screen shots to show how awesome the encode is and tweaked the download page so it should look cleaner.
We are thinking about working on a encode of the uncensored strike witches, it is still being tossed around by the higher ups.
EDIT= Pro has been yelling at me non stop and threatening me with his "egg beater of doom", I think he thinks my posts are too short or something, so once again I find myself in the corner trying to type in the dark (good thing i sprung for the light up keyboard when I bought my laptop) and the water in my cage has turned green. This has to be the 10,000 time i have posted this one post.......okay maybe not 10,000 but it sure feels like it. So I have decided to talk about MYSELF and the past few days. First off my allergy's are kicking my @$$ and I am on my 2nd bottle of NyQuil (was the only medicine we had in the house) don't ask why we had two bottles......anyways besides my allergy's life is boring, i have been trying to re-watch " rurouni kenshin" but for some reason I can't get into it again......nope I can not.<------Kenshin joke, if you don't understand watch the series (dubbed of course) and I have serously been thinking about trying to finish watching "Bleach" i am stuck in the Bount Arc so I don't know If i have the will power to finish, it's so soul draining.(get it?) anyways moving on, Pro has been yelling at me to re-watch NGE, but i don't think my brain can handle it, it's been a couple of years since i have watched it and if i remember correctly last time I watched it I had a brain melt that leaves me with..........FMA, yep I think I will re-watch FMA again. Also as I sit here and type I can't help but think about starting a Anti-Pro FaceBook page. One more thing before I go, i finally got a demonoid account after waiting over a year. I am really surpriesed my ISP hasn't called yet cuz I have been sucking up the bandwidth from the whole neighborhood. okay thats all, no more NyQuil, cutting myself off now............ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz
Weekend Updates
Ok so I have finished Dragon Half and watched the first encode overall very nice, I am going to take some comparison shots with the A-T release before I decide to upload it then offer it on BakaBT.
I may do some tweaking to make sure that it is perfect, but expect it out by tomorrow.
Edit: Yes as I thought, I went through and decided that I needed to get rid of the haloing that was going on. I also decreased some of the aliasing. Should be done by tomorrow.
I may do some tweaking to make sure that it is perfect, but expect it out by tomorrow.
Edit: Yes as I thought, I went through and decided that I needed to get rid of the haloing that was going on. I also decreased some of the aliasing. Should be done by tomorrow.
The New Guy
You may call me Johnny, I come from the arm pit of hell, Tucson, Az. I am the newest member to the team. I must ask that you bear with me at times not because I am slow but because I am NEW :)
The first anime I ever saw was Ninja Scroll on VHS when i was 13, 16 years later and I am still going strong. I am currently on a Full Metal Panic! kick right now but my FAV of all time would probably be a toss up between "Trigun" and "Rurouni Kenshin" And I know all you sub fan boys/girls are going to say bad things about me but I pretty much only dig the dub'ed ones. No matter how bad the voice over is.............When I am not feeding the anime monster, I am reading, watching old kung fu movies or gaming. xbox360/PC FPS=FTW
You may call me Johnny, I come from the arm pit of hell, Tucson, Az. I am the newest member to the team. I must ask that you bear with me at times not because I am slow but because I am NEW :)
The first anime I ever saw was Ninja Scroll on VHS when i was 13, 16 years later and I am still going strong. I am currently on a Full Metal Panic! kick right now but my FAV of all time would probably be a toss up between "Trigun" and "Rurouni Kenshin" And I know all you sub fan boys/girls are going to say bad things about me but I pretty much only dig the dub'ed ones. No matter how bad the voice over is.............When I am not feeding the anime monster, I am reading, watching old kung fu movies or gaming. xbox360/PC FPS=FTW
Finally they are here!
Yay my dvds are here more updates later.
Download section is functional again.
I will put Tenga Toppa Gurren Lagann up, I have already uploaded it I just need to paste the links.
I am gonna take a look at the new DVDs, and look at what I have to work with.
sorry no slayers today I still want to fix the audio before I encode any more.
I may not be around on Friday until later but eh you guys can manage without me.
Download section is functional again.
I will put Tenga Toppa Gurren Lagann up, I have already uploaded it I just need to paste the links.
I am gonna take a look at the new DVDs, and look at what I have to work with.
sorry no slayers today I still want to fix the audio before I encode any more.
I may not be around on Friday until later but eh you guys can manage without me.
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Welcome to the Dual-Duality and the Anime Archive
Welcome newcomers and people who have been here through the Ages. I am the keeper of this archive. This website shall be used for 2 purposes
1: To release my groups encodes and create a community.
2:To document and obtain good anime. The anime has to be finished but may or may not be dubbed ( I will state if it is dubbed or subbed) and may or may not involve mild nudity (again I will state if it does, also nipples nothing else or that is hentai),pictures or screenshots may be used (and are encouraged but no nudity), also I may state the main genres that are most prominent in the series.
Things that are required to download everything correctly:
A torrent client (utorrent works well)
A BakaBT account (that is where I usually link to and I upload anime there)
"JDownloader"> (it is a type of download manager for Direct download sites like RS,MU and Mediafire which I will be using alot of, but can also download batches of files from a single index file, I will only use these rarely but they will be used if no other option is available. It also has native support for mediafire so it makes things much easier.)