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BOX of DOOM and some updates

Well for those of you that stop by and check on us here in the [Dual-Duality] club house you might have notice the lovely emblem that Pro posted. I must say it has got to be some of the best work I have ever seen if I don't say so myself, one could almost compare it to a Jackson Pollock or even a Hieronymus Bosch! But seriously Pro came up with this image that he wanted to turn into our "Logo" and it has done nothing but cause problems. First off I mean where and the heck did he even come up with a shape like that? He says it's some sort of psychedelic cool shape, it almost looks like something M. C. Escher would draw. But anyways this "box of doom" as we all here have come to affectionately refer to it as. Has caused me more headaches then you can imagine. I have tried every program in my arsenal, corel draw, gimp, even mspaint and so forth but for whatever reason I can do nothing with it, it even crashes my programs only to pop up on my screen a few mins later. I tell you this box is cursed, cursed I tell you. If anybody has any ideas about what to do with the box please feel free to email me at
It's supposed to say [Dual-Duality] inside it with some sort of image of "tanarot" incorporated into it as well. I don't suppose I will get any responses, maybe Pro or lynn will spam me :)

Moving on to the updates

1. Pro has started Rave Master 1-7 and they should be up soon.

2. Pro has added Dominion Tank Police and the Sequel to his to do list.

3. Lynn is getting closer to a release with those Kenshin OVAs

4. Pro says Lynn can start on Nadesico because he has got the raws.
(Lynn says not until Pro watches the Kenshin OVA's)
(Pro says they are BORING and he will not watch them!)

5. Pro is also going to do a blu-ray of Mahoromatic

6. Donate button is STILL broken.

7. I am going to continue fighting the BOX of DOOM


Welcome to the Dual-Duality and the Anime Archive

Welcome newcomers and people who have been here through the Ages. I am the keeper of this archive. This website shall be used for 2 purposes
1: To release my groups encodes and create a community.
2:To document and obtain good anime. The anime has to be finished but may or may not be dubbed ( I will state if it is dubbed or subbed) and may or may not involve mild nudity (again I will state if it does, also nipples nothing else or that is hentai),pictures or screenshots may be used (and are encouraged but no nudity), also I may state the main genres that are most prominent in the series.
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Things that are required to download everything correctly:
A torrent client (utorrent works well)
A BakaBT account (that is where I usually link to and I upload anime there)
"JDownloader"> (it is a type of download manager for Direct download sites like RS,MU and Mediafire which I will be using alot of, but can also download batches of files from a single index file, I will only use these rarely but they will be used if no other option is available. It also has native support for mediafire so it makes things much easier.)


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